"Rooftop solar and household batteries to take centre stage in rapid energy transition", Sophie Vorrath, One Step off the Grid


The new report from the market operator, its 30-year blueprint, says distributed resources will play a central role in providing power and the “firming” capacity needed to support a grid with high levels of renewables, up to nearly 100 per cent.

The predictions come in the final version of the Australian Energy Market Operator’s 2022 Integrated System Plan, its roadmap to a rapid transition to a grid dominated by renewables, featuring two-way energy flows and technologies that will draw on cheap, green power rather than coal, gas and oil.

The ISP focuses much of its 600-odd pages – the main report and its appendices – on the monumental planning and development efforts required to accommodate nine times as much large-scale renewable generation capacity and three times as much “firming” capacity on the NEM by 2050.

But AEMO also stresses the huge influence of the generation and feed-in capability of “millions of individual consumer-owned solar PV systems,” not to mention the batteries – either installed as part of the solar system or parked in  driveways as part of an electric vehicle – that are expected to be added to them.